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  • Writer's picturePlant Paradox- Vegan!

Plant Paradox, Vegan Pizza! It DOES exist!

Updated: Sep 24, 2018

Yep, it's the cauliflower crust all right, but it's NOT going to fail or fall apart in your hands. I've been there, and nothing is more frustrating and confusing- trying to figure out what you did wrong- and the disappointment of not experiencing the satisfaction of the almighty tasty, irreplaceable, pizza bite! For this, though, you will need to plan a day in advance, sorry. Being Vegan, we have to be creative and select ingredients that satisfy both the vegan in us, and the Plant Paradox lifestyle. So we will need to soak a bunch of lentils and dates overnight, then pressure cook them the next day. You'll also need a blender or Vitamix for the cheese, and for your crust you'll need to pull out your dehydrator, and turn it up! So, let's get this party started!

For the crust:

1) Soak a lb of lentils over night changing and rinsing them several times, every few hours.

2) Rinse and drain one final time before putting them in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. Make sure there is about an inch more water than lentils. (cont.)

3) Thaw out a bag of Cauliflower (one bag per crust).

4) Set aside in a bowl; Choose either Rob Mill's vegan egg Replacement ( or ground flax for more nutritional value). One tablespoon of ground flax or vegan egg replacement mixed with 3 tablespoons of water until fully absorbed and viscous in place of one egg.

* Add your seasonings to this part of the mixture like parsley, oregano, garlic powder, sea salt.

Blend away! Blend until you get a mushy ball, add dribbles of water to blender if its not moving.

scroll down for link to order this!

Spread the mixture out on a Teflex sheet, and put in dehydrator on high. Turn the trays and mix them up every once in a while until you can flip the crust, and peel off the teflex to dehydrate the other side.

(link to order dehydrator at bottom)

The sauce: When you are at the part of the phase where you can add tomatoes back in,

do so. This sauce should be more like a paste. The date will help to make it sweet, but also thick and pasty. Basically, prepare you tomato sauce without skins and seeds. Submerge few tomatoes (enough to make 2 1/2 cups when cooked- so maybe 4?) in boiling water quickly, until the skin can be peeled off, then de-seeded.

1) 4 dates- Blend your pitted and soaked dates

2) In a pan cook your prepared tomatoes, blended dates, some olive oil, garlic, parsley, paprika, pizza seasonings, and sea salt until you get a tangy pizza sauce!

(note: you can add Quorn crumbles for a "meatier" sauce)

Meanwhile: consider your toppings. On a lined oven baking sheet, cook whatever veggies you want on top until desired texture while you are making your sauce)

The CHEESE- and this one is NOT like your traditional cheese (not dairy, nor processed vegan) However, the TASTE is cheesy...

Mix a cup of Almond Flour, 1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast, a teaspoon of sea salt, and a tablespoon Egg Replacer to make it creamy. Tablespoon of crushed garlic, splashes of lemon juice ( add Paprika for a more yellow "cheddar dip" effect) and blend it in a Vitamix. Note* If it doesn't taste "cheesy" enough, add more salt- you'd be surprised the difference!

A side Bonus I love sharing with people is just how Nutritional the yeast is! Check out the powerful B vitamins in THIS Stuff!

Finally, put it all together while the ingredients are still hot and newly cooked! This pizza is kid-tested, and mother approved! Enjoy!



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