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  • Writer's picturePlant Paradox- Vegan!

Plant Paradox Vegan Green Banana "Ice cream" and Dark Chocolate Chips!

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

When you have young children and all their friends are eating ice cream cones, it's pretty important to find a nice vegan substitute. But also something that doesn't have all the sugar in it either. My kids like to play hard, so when we found that we could freeze the green banana and put it thru the juicer to make a cold treat as smooth and velvety as ice cream, we HAD to try it! It's the perfect frozen treat for the kids after a good sporting practice. Bananas not only have potassium, but natural Melatonin for a good nights sleep, and improves the happy-feel good Seratonin levels! The green banana has low levels of fructose, and instead, made up of resistant starches, the stuff that makes up a good PRE biotic for your gut- so it can produce short-chain fatty acids and natural occurring ketones (the fats you can directly use as fuel) This machine can be used to "cream" or "mash" anything!



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