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  • Writer's picturePlant Paradox- Vegan!

2 For 1: PP Vegan Onion Dip & French Onion Soup (sort of)

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

This Onion Dip makes a great and tasty alternative to Mayonaise! Use it on sandwiches, salads, or as a sauce "pastas"! Use the Onion Dip to replace the traditional cheese in the soup!

This Onion Dip makes a great and tasty alternative to Mayonaise! Use it on sandwiches, salads, or as a sauce for PP compliant "pastas".For instance, you can saute some mushrooms, add it to this dip, and use as a vegan "alfredo" sauce atop some Miracle shiritake noodles.

The Dip calls for 2 yellow onions and the Soup calls for 5. So I say, get all 7, chop them up and get started sauteeing them in olive oil until they are caramelized. In the meantime, get the base ready for the Dip, and put 2/7 of the onions in the dip, and then keep going, saving the rest of the onions for the soup!

If you are like me and can't cut one onion without the waterworks coming, then I definitely recommend a tight pair of goggles to get thru cutting all seven! It works. The rest of the house members needed to leave the kitchen for the afternoon until the fumes evacuated!

Now let's get started! You won't need much. But we'll start with the Onion Dip. For this you will need:

2 tablespoons of EVOO

2 large yellow onions, thinly sliced.

1 clove of garlic, minced

1 tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves

1 tablespoon of fresh Rosemary, minced

1 teaspoon iodized sea salt

1 teaspoon of ground black pepper

juice of one lemon

2 cups of plain vegan coconut yogurt

and minced chives as garnish.

Use this same stuff adding a bit more to accommodate cooking 5 more onions! (So double it).

Heat The Olive Oil in a large pan, over medium-low heat. Add the onions and cook, stirring regularly, until onions are tender and translucent, caramelized.

Add the seasonings )thyme, rosemary, garlic sea salt pepper) . Keep cooking and stirring until everything is browned. If garlic is browning, turn down the heat. Remove from heat. Let it cool down. Once it is cooled, transfer SOME of the mixture to another bowl and add the vegan plain coconut yogurt. Finally, stir in the lemon juice.

With the remaining caramelized onions,

add 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar.

Then, add 6 cups of Vegetable stock, and let simmer. As vegans, we won't be adding the cheese that creates the traditional version of French Onion Soup, so I just take a little of the "Dip" we just created and put a dollop on top. Or you can just omit it all-together, which is a fine option if you love onions as much as me. I really don't even NEED the cheese. but if you added it to the top, it would look like this >>>

The regular Vegan cheeses contain too much tofu or soy products, making them not-compliant.

If you only want to make the Soup, here are the the actual measurements:

1/4 cup EVOO

5 large sweet onions, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

6 cloves of garlic

2 Bay leaves

1 teaspoon of chopped thyme

1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper

6 cups of vegetable stock

iodized sea salt to taste

and for non-vegans- Grated Gruyere or Parmesan Cheese

Prepare all this like the beginning steps of the dip, after the onions are browned, add the red wine and Veg stock! Enjoy!



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